Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New headboard, well first headboard

My bedroom looks pathetic at best. In the past year I've been purchasing furniture to fill out the living room and dining area (since it is a small apartment and barely fits a two person table) and avoided spending any time in the bedroom. So now I need a headboard, which has been difficult to find because not only do I have a full size bed, but I don't want anything wood or metal (the metal is flexible since I've found some nice modern headboards made of steel.)

West Elm has a pretty good selection of headboards that are not to steep in price. I'm really liking this handwoven rope headboard (only $329). Someone was selling the exact same headboard on Craigslist months ago for $100 and I was reluctant to buy it since I was building up the living room at the time. Talk about 'buyers remorse' reversed! Every day I check Craiglist to see if someone just happens to be selling the bed but its been a futile effort so far.

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