Friday, June 1, 2007

Lotions, and cleansers, and shampoo, oh my!

While living in Italy a few years back, I fell in love with the bath and organic body line Lush. They had shops everywhere in Europe at the time and would give me handfuls of free samples resulting in my addiction. After my return to the states, stores slowly started opening up here and now I get to indulge their products whenever I want! The one item I can't live without since discovering Lush year ago is this Sweet Japanese Girl cleanser. I have dry and sensitive skin but feel like nothing really cleans thoroughly AND moisturizes simultaneously. This stuff definitely isn't for oily skin, but if you have a regular to dry skin type it will leave your face feeling dewy and well-nourished and is perfect to use right before bed. Bonus: looks cute in your soap dish.

My second favorite item is their Solid Shampoos because you can fly with them and they don't count towards your carry-on liquids allowance! Plus they won't explode in your suitcase. They have a whole variety of the solids as well but my personal favorite is the Hybrid Shampoo Solid which also conditions (and since I try to cram as much as possible into one bag to prevent visiting baggage claim this frees up extra room.)

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